Thursday, February 20, 2020

Marathon In A Month Challenge

I have signed up to do the Marathon In A Month Challenge in March.  As part of the challenge, not only do I have to walk the distance of a marathon in one month, I also get to fundraise for the HB Cancer Society which I am stoked to do as they are a great organisation and rely on donations to keep going. 

Now some of you may be sitting there reading this and thinking, Jill you used to run half marathons, where is the challenge in walking a full one over a month.  Well nowadays it is a challenge to do this distance, many days I struggle to walk the 2kms I have to walk to get to work, and I either end up walking rather slow, or I take Cleo.  As some of you are aware I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia (lol am slowly learning how to spell it as well), and this affects energy levels and pain levels.  I am hoping that by doing this challenge I become motivated to make the most of the days that I have some energy, even just a small amount, and get out there a bit more.  And on the days when I have none, well then I will just make an effort on another day.  The pain can be walked through (if I have to, it can be done) but the energy cannot be magiced up, I have tried many times and if it is not there it is not there.

If you would like to donate please head to my fundraising page:
Any amount, big or small, is appreciated :)

And feel free to check in and see how I am going as March gets along, I do like moral support so hit me up on social media or by text/email etc, I would love to hear from you.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Ohakune Wedding

Went to Ohakune for a wedding in the wknd, no not mine you crazy person, it was my sisters wedding.  And for those of you who are sitting there scratching their heads thinking 'but I thought Jilly only had a brother...' well Laura is one of my Fleming sisters (and yes even though she is not a Fleming anymore she is still a Fleming sister, Bridie is the other one for those of you who have forgotten).  Anyhow, now that has been sorted we can get back onto topic, so I was in Ohakune for a wedding in the wknd.  I arrived on Friday afternoon (cheers Sir for the ride there and back) so I could help with the set-up, then Laura and us bridesmaids (Bridie, Shura and I) stayed at the River Lodge, which was the venue for the wedding, on the Friday night.

We had a beautiful breakfast the next morning and then started getting ready for the wedding.  It takes a while for those of you not clued in.  By the end of the getting ready we all look amazing, and as Aunty Gaye said when she walked in 'wow Jill, you actually look like a lady for once' lol, that made us all laugh, and yes she was right.

It was a beautiful, if rather hot, ceremony.  Then it was mingle time, then off to take photos, then back to the reception, then food, speeches, more food, more speeches, dancing then back to mum and dad's accomodation.  Not quite that quick mind you lol.

Got a few photos of the wknd (trip there and back included), none of the bride, or other bridesmaids cos I just don't.  Don't worry, I am sure you will survive without them being put on here.  If you don't survive and you do die because of it, well then I'm very sorry and also wow look at the awesome power I have that I didn't know I had :) hehe.

We had a short delay on the way to Ohakune, just a couple of sheep moving paddock

And one very interested cow watching them

 Slight difference in skin tones btwn me and Bridie lol

My view from my bed at River Lodge, that's Mt Ruapehu in the distance

Pretty flowers at the breakfast table (ps if you know what that cool spikey purple one is please let me know, and if you can tell me if I could grow it without killing it you'll get bonus points hehe)

Dof took this sneaky pic of me after the ceremony, I quite like it :)

My parents and Ted's truck :)

Me and Dof (obviously)

On the way home we stopped at a bridge that I have wanted photos on for ages, but since I normally drive the route alone I don't get any.  Cheers Sir for playing photographer to amuse your dorta

Spot me at the very end of the bridge