Friday, August 2, 2019

34 of the most awesome things I have done....

Since I have been alive for 34 years now I thought I would list 34 of the most awesome things I have done.  Not everything awesome I have done is listed, cos come on we all know I have done way more than 34 in my amazing life so far :) 

Listed in alphabetical order, here you go:

Acquired 1 of the best bears ever
Backpacked Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England
Been to India
Bet Duynie in a Math Exam
Bet the twins in cross country
Bet mum in WI sewing section of Arts and Crafts Festival
Bought a house
Built a bark garden
Can still undo and redo dad’s shirt buttons if he’s not paying attention
Climbed the Eiffel Tower (stairs not elevator)
Discovered ‘Hart of Dixie’
Earned Gold D of E and Queens Guide Awards
Explored Singapore and Malaysia with mum
Finished Oxfam 100km Trailwalker
Flown in a biplane
Held a 6 weeks old baby without dropping it (cheers for that one Dons :p)
Lived in Scotland
Make pretty damn good GF bread
Paid off 2 student loans
Ran 3 half marathons
Ran round a castle, including to top of highest turret
Road tripped South Island with Brudda
Road tripped top of North Island with Brudda
Skydived (twice)
Studied for and gained a double degree and 2 diplomas
Summited Mt Taranaki
Visited every hut on Mt Taranaki in the space of one month
Was a Guide Leader for over 5 years
Watched Edinburgh Military Tattoo live
Went running while it was snowing
Went Snowdog hunting in Brighton
Won the Avis Griffin trophy at the Franklyn A&P Show
Won mum heaps of chocolate
Won Young Achievers Award for Community Service

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