Thursday, August 29, 2019

Visiting and touristing in Raglan

I spent the wknd in Raglan with my Aunty Kay and Uncle Terry which was super cool, and as I hadn't been there for ages (Easter doesn't count as I wasn't there long that day) they took me sightseeing which was cool.  The surf was playing its part and being all wavey which I miss with the ocean over here, cos the ocean over here is often real boring and calm.  On the Saturday Raglan was showing off in the nice sunshine, and it didn't even matter that the wind was a tad chilly cos it was so pretty. 

On Monday morning while I waiting for Aunty Kay to finish at the physio I went for a wander and did my touristy thing like I did in the UK, the weather helped by being wet and cold lol.  I got rather drenched but it was still pretty, and I rewarded myself with a salted caramel hot chocolate num num :)

I also got to chill with Smoko and Lucy (she used to be called Marilyn but me and her agreed that she will be called Lucy when she becomes a Hastings kitty hehe).  Think Smoko is also keen to become a Hastings kitty but I wasn't sure how they would cope with the warmer climate over here so I left them behind this trip.  Maybe next time I will bring them back with me hehe.

It was a fantastic wknd with lots of chilling and catching up done, just what I was needing I think :)

Saturdays sightseeing

Mondays meandering

Friday, August 2, 2019

34 of the most awesome things I have done....

Since I have been alive for 34 years now I thought I would list 34 of the most awesome things I have done.  Not everything awesome I have done is listed, cos come on we all know I have done way more than 34 in my amazing life so far :) 

Listed in alphabetical order, here you go:

Acquired 1 of the best bears ever
Backpacked Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England
Been to India
Bet Duynie in a Math Exam
Bet the twins in cross country
Bet mum in WI sewing section of Arts and Crafts Festival
Bought a house
Built a bark garden
Can still undo and redo dad’s shirt buttons if he’s not paying attention
Climbed the Eiffel Tower (stairs not elevator)
Discovered ‘Hart of Dixie’
Earned Gold D of E and Queens Guide Awards
Explored Singapore and Malaysia with mum
Finished Oxfam 100km Trailwalker
Flown in a biplane
Held a 6 weeks old baby without dropping it (cheers for that one Dons :p)
Lived in Scotland
Make pretty damn good GF bread
Paid off 2 student loans
Ran 3 half marathons
Ran round a castle, including to top of highest turret
Road tripped South Island with Brudda
Road tripped top of North Island with Brudda
Skydived (twice)
Studied for and gained a double degree and 2 diplomas
Summited Mt Taranaki
Visited every hut on Mt Taranaki in the space of one month
Was a Guide Leader for over 5 years
Watched Edinburgh Military Tattoo live
Went running while it was snowing
Went Snowdog hunting in Brighton
Won the Avis Griffin trophy at the Franklyn A&P Show
Won mum heaps of chocolate
Won Young Achievers Award for Community Service