Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hey all :)

So just a lil update for you dudes and dudettes. Been a chilled out wknd with a bit of pottering, went for a walk into town ystdy to browse shops and do grocery shopping. Not the best grocery shopping as although everything fitted in backpack it turns out most of what I needed to get was heavy stuff, esp when all packed into a bag. Good thing it's not a too longer walk. Then after a chilled out arvo headed into Napier to see Samara and her mum. Samara and I were heading to a movie later on and her mum was gonna teach me to make a 2min noodle omelette so went over for dinner and of course to catch up cos hadn't seen either of them since Friday lol. Surprisingly 2min noodle omelettes are actually quite tasty, gobbled mine up very fast. The movie we went to see was A Simple Favour, it was rather weird and a bit strange and slightly disturbing in places but we both liked it overall, def created some good conversation afterwards.

This morning did a bunch of outside stuff that needed doing then took it easy this afternoon. Baked a lemon cake which turned out super well, very glad I don't gotta share it hehe :) finished my jigsaw, it's pretty cool tho I swear Glenny and Fishy borrowed pieces along the way and swapped them with other ones when I wasn't looking.

Guess it's back to work tomorrow, oh yay, nah its not actually too bad at the moment :)

 Just waiting on grass to grow then front area will be finished :) 

 The boys testing out bench seat, think they were hoping it'd collapse, such faith in my building abilities 

Dinner in a pretty bowl, just cos :D

My cool, and slightly evil in places, jigsaw

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Life as a house owner

So I totally have this owning my own place thing down. My bdrm is on its 2nd layout, as is the spare room, and the lounge is on its 3rd. I am about 87% sure that the spare room will stay how it is, and 100% sure that the lounge and my room will be changed again :)

Yes I'm aware it's only been a couple months since I moved in but hey life is all about change right :) hehe

Monday, September 3, 2018

From prison to a hole in one

This past wknd Laura and Ted came over for a visit for her birthday, Mike and Suzanne also came over but they stayed with a friend in Napier.  It was awesome catching up with them all and taking them sightseeing plus to a few new places.

First on our list of places was Napier Prison. Turns out I'm a pretty good criminal, first didn't really care got arrested, then stole the gun from the copper and then became one :) silly police ppl letting me in haha. And ok I did get locked up but atlst I didn't look quite as crazed as Ted did, so figure points to me there :)
Over all the prison was a bit weird, the start was real fun and cool but then it got real serious and felt wrong to have paid to visit the place, some of the old cells felt eerie like some very bad stuff had gone on in them, which judging from the facts on the walls it had. We all left feeling a lil gloomy and serious. Would say it's still worth going to see but just beware of the more serious side as we weren't expecting it and it took us by surprise.

We then headed off to mini golf (am sure we ate at some stage but cannot remember where or when haha). Did the green course again, mostly cos the blue one was full of kids. Not that doing the one I'd already played helped me at all, though I did get a hole in one, along with Laura and Suzanne :D sorry boys but the girls totally rocked more haha

After a chill out break back at mine we went to Thai Silk for dinner. Hadn't been there before but it wont be the last time I go, the food was amazing and the server was awesome. Definitely recommend it if you are looking for Thai in Hastings.

Sunday morning, once I woke Laura up (hehe) we went for a walk to get some coffee, ended up getting a coffee from a street cart on our wander and walking while drinking them, did 5-ish km all up before we got back to mine to wake Ted up so we could meet Mike and Suzanne and their friend Anna and her boys for brunch in Napier.

Overall it was an awesome wknd, and the weather was amazing for my guests :) very generous of Mother Nature and she also watered my shrubs again today, she is doing so much better at that than me yet is not overwatering them, she must be a gardener hehe :)

Did fare better than this dude haha 

Apparently this cat is sometimes there sometimes not so is known as the ghost cat, seemed pretty solid to me tho... 

Hole in one pros hehe