Sunday, June 11, 2017

Vegas Long Weekend

I managed to get Friday off work so I could have a long weekend, seeing as I missed getting one last weekend, so I headed off to Vegas to see bro on Thursday after work.  It was a lovely afternoon for a drive and like good people we made sure we appreciated the scenery and views we were offered :)

On Friday I went over to Morrinsville to see Hayley (my roommate from Uni) who happened to be there visiting her parents.  Was ages since our last face to face catch up so was really good to see her again, and again Friday was a good day for a drive and discovered there are some hills behind Matamata with the biggest hill having a big as trig or tower of some kind on it which taunted me for quite a large chunk of the trip lol one day maybe I will take it up on its suggestion to go find it.

Saturday bro and I headed down to Mind Junction where we spent a decent chunk of time getting lost in the maze and giggling and laughing for a fair amount of the time.  We had to find our way to the 4 corners and also find 5 questions, 5 answers and 5 animals.  We managed to easily find the 4 corners and 4 questions, 3 answers and 3 animals.  After a bit more hunting we found the last question, the last two answers and one more animal, but no matter how hard we hunted we couldn't find the last animal - a fish.  Eventually we decided it had swum away so wandered out of the maze, then the lady behind the counter told us to go back in and find the fish and she gave us a hint, it was between '5' and the elephant question.  Well we re-found those two easy enough but could not find the fish, eventually we split up and bro stayed at the elephant and I went to the 5, then I spotted the fish by looking over the walls, then bro found it by going under the walls :) success :) hehe.  Yes I did find it the proper way after a couple more attempts.
After the maze we went into the lego part and spent a while admiring the city they had built while trying to find the most wanted characters.  We found some of them but not all and not the most most wanted dude, but we were ok with that.

On the way back to Vegas we stopped at Rainbow Mountain (I think its called that) for lunch and also for a wander.  We only went to The Crater Lake partly cos we had other plans for the afternoon and also partly cos my body hates me and I doubt I could have comfortably made it to the summit.  Plus we weren't really sure how long it would take or how hard it would be.  But we will be going back :)

Rest of the weekend was chilled, some shopping then DVD watching on Saturday and on Sunday just chilled and chatted some, cut bros hair (yes I don't love him and took all his head warmth as its coming into the colder weather hehe), then I headed home and again it was a nice day for a drive.

Nice view of the moon and sunset on Thursday

Yellow aka corner one

Blue aka corner two

Green aka corner three

Red aka corner four

Rainbow Mountain, Crater Lake

Bro at Crater Lake

Me at Crater Lake

One of my fav views on the drive to/from Vegas, taken Sunday (Thursday the sun was inconveniently setting in the background)

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Update from lil old me

So its been awhile, yes I know, but in my defence I have been very busy procrastinating writing my final assignments for the semester and then actually writing them when I realised no one else was going to help me, I know I am so unloved right.  And in with all this non-existent stress (as if I would let something as little as three assignments stress me out) Glenny and I have been going through what I spose could be called a rough patch, this was much more stressful than those pesky assignments.  But don't worry, after a couple of discussions, ok so after I yelled at him a couple times and called him useless, we have come to an agreement, kinda.  We/I were discussing how useless he is, he wants me to move into my own place, mostly so that he can just create havoc and mess and won't have to worry about anyone telling him off, yes he seems to think I will let him get away with anything, haha dream on buddy, but anyway our discussions were around how although he wants this he in no way is helping, and ok maybe having paws limits what jobs you can get but he doesn't even do the small things that I ask him to do like making my bed and pulling the curtains, but whatever, we have come to a compromise and he has taken responsibility of guarding the things that are important to me so that I know when I do get my own place it will be well guarded when I am not there, and probably also when I am there.  And since my assignments are all done and submitted my self-imposed sewing ban has been lifted, yay.  So yeah things are all good in the world of Jilly :)

Guarding my bed, or is it my bedroom, I am not sure and they never explained

Guarding the fire, not sure how long it will take them to realise that if they don't let me past it is going to get cold....

Glenn found the cupcakes, and apparently cos he's been so good at guarding and bears eat fish and they match his nose they are all his... I do not agree with this logic, for some reason

Since I haven't been able to sew I have been creating fairies :) so cute but they do seem to be growing in number