Sunday, February 26, 2017

More Mountain Pics

Ystdy Dad and I did the Pouakai Circuit, mostly cos I'm an idiot and said hey lets do it going in the other direction, silly silly mistake on my part.  Did get to see a nice start to the sunrise before we set off though which was cool, the central mountains were looking very nice :)  The walk itself was hot and long and there were far too many steps both uphill and down, I came to the conclusion that tramping is an evil and barbaric form of torture and that it is bad parenting to let your kids do a walk like that, and yes I told dad that and he politely reminded me it was my idea in the first place (and here I was thinking he was getting old and forgetful lol).

Pretty sunrise, worth waking up for

Made it to the shelter and Missie was still in a good mood :)

Henry Peak

Dad at the Tarns, just taking his photo

Too windy for a reflection but still worth a photo :)

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