Wednesday, December 21, 2016

They say you learn something new every day

Well today I learnt that going tramping on a pretty much solidly uphill track after giving blood the day before is not the smartest thing to do.  I got rather lightheaded so had to cut my originally planned route short but I still got some cool as views.  Missie had a blast as well cos we came up with a harness for her on my backpack so she could hang there and get all the good views I was getting :) I and also learnt that me and the puffer are still not friends, woah look at that I learnt two things today, I must be done for the week now :) hehe

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Castle and Two Trigs

Yesterday Dof, Sus, Missie and I went for a wander up the Razorback Track to visit Humphries Castle, yes this is on Mount Taranaki if you are wondering or confused hehe.  Along the way we stopped off at one of the trigs I hadn't been to yet, and we were lucky enough to have a nice view of the mountain behind it, I say lucky enough as the mountain was playing hide and seek all day.  When we got to the top of the razorback we decided not to go right up to the castle as it was so windy and I almost got blowed away.  Instead we just wandered back to Spartz (our car) via the RTM Track to Holly Hut Track and then Veronica Loop.

After the required stop at the cafe for coffee and chips (and cake this time as well, yum yum), we headed off to the Stratford Plateau to visit another trig so we could mark two off :) on the way to the Plateau we stopped and visited the swamp which had no mountain view but did have water in it so it looked like maybe it was a swamp, Dof says it doesn't always have water in it.  The trig also didn't have a mountain view but that was ok with me as I took the photo facing the other direction so you would have views looking down the mountain, not that that is visible either though lol you get cloud instead :)

 At the monument

 Trig one, with the mountain behind :)

 Humphries Castle from below

 Mountain :D

 Swamp with the mountain behind the clouds somewhere

 Walk to the swamp

Trig two, looking down the mountain... 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pukekura Park and a Waterfall

This morning Missie and I went to Pukekura Park to catch up with Laura at The Teahouse. After a lovely catch up over coffee and cake we went for a wander up to Brooklands Zoo which is just as cool as I remember, if not more so as the otters were actually out today :) we watched the meerkats for a while as well then chilled with the Kunekune Pigs who I had missed. We then wandered down to the Fernery and had a quick wander round there then Missie and I then said goodbye to Laura and headed back to Inglewood.  

This afternoon Sus took Missie for a tramp, Doffy and I went along as supervisors obviously. We drove semi up the mountain then parked and walked to the waterfall. It was a lovely walk with loads of mud that I did a wonderful job of walking in even when trying to avoid it. And the walk had a proper swing bridge so Missie was happy :) 

Pukekura Park




Brooklands Zoo




Mt Taranaki wander








Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Coastal Walkway

Missie, Dof and I went for a wander along the Coastal Walkway today, just a short one as after climbing over some rocks my ankle was not super happy with me :( Missie was not super impressed with the Wind Wand, but that was not all that surprising cos she does have taste hehe, still she got her photo taken with it just to show she had seen it :) 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

London day five pics

Italian Gardens

Hyde Park

Random horse head 

Marble Arch

Fake Platform 9 3/4

The Worlds End Pub

One of the many subway stops

Trafalgar Square

Admiralty Building 

St James's Park

Random old buildings

Big Ben

London Eye

And gotta have the telephone box pic :)