Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pretty much dead now

So made it to the summit today :) with Doffy :)

Started with a semi simple hike up to Fanthams Peak and Syme Hut but then the clouds cleared from the summit and it looked not too bad and not to far away (we are insane, just repeating the obvious) and for some reason when one of us suggested that we climb to the top of the mountain the other one didn't say no that's a dumb idea. 

Mission getting to the summit with hideous as scoria and dodging snow but many slips and slides later we made it. Then headed down the other side as repeating tracks is so boring and last year we made a silly plan to go up and over then back round to car. 

10 hours 15 mins later we made it back to Spartacus :) so happy to see my baby again lol (Spartacus is my car if you didn't know). Long day but am sure when I stop hurting it will have been so worth it hehe :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Big tree, a signpost and gravel roads

Saw the big Kauri Tane Mahuta today, is a pretty awesome tree really. And Kauri's are pretty good looking which helps :)

Also made it to the top of the world to the lighthouse and signpost. So many people there, tour buses and everything. Neither of us thought it would be that busy. Found Vancouver on the sign and said a hello to me in that direction. Figure it'll take a few months to travel over the oceans by which time I will hopefully be there :)

We then drove via the giant sand dunes on the way back, gravel road to get to them and they were also real busy, it was far too hot for either of us to want to get out and attempt to walk up them, no matter how good the view might have been. 

We also drove via 90 Mile Beach on way back but think we (I) took the wrong turnoff out of the 2 as we got the one with 7km of gravel road. Pretty bumpy ride and the beach was just a beach but still worth the trip I think. 

We made sure the big Kauri tree (yup that's what the sign called it so must be it's official name) was still there on the way back, it was :)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Road trip update

Had fun at the Waipu Highland Games today, saw big muscular guys throwing hammers, logs of wood and other weird things :) must admit some of them looked pretty hot while doing so hehe. 

Also watched a fair amount of highland dancing from various ages of girls, still wish I had done that when younger, mostly so I could bounce around in a kilt not any other reason hehe. Saw a gorgeous purple blue and white tartan one with amazing matching socks :) yes small things I know doffy :p

Tried haggis, didn't not like it but it didn't really seem to agree with me so might be the last lot I have, how sad lol. Tasted like sausage meat pretty much. 

Enjoyed the pipe band and drummers, more fun watching them march in and around each other like at tattoos but hey you take what you can get and they still sounded pretty great :)

We off to the top of the world tomorrow, atlst that's the plan :) should be a good drive, long but good is my estimation. 

Here are some pics from today :)