Thursday, August 28, 2014

Almost over :(

Beaut day up the mountain today. Beginning to get the hang of snowboarding, almost semi-decent at it by now :) by end of day was doing good runs with mosty turning and very little falling leaf :) so proud of me hehe

Gotta go home moro, will miss boarding every day but think my body will love the break hehe it's a lil broken at mo

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sore, tired and happy

So holiday is going very well. Had 3 days up the snow, 1 not great weather (very windy) but the other 2 were bluebird conditions (perfect).  

Got me a new board which is good as means I can progress and get better (old board turns out was a kids board which is why I struggled to do anything much on it), the main downside to having it is that getting better hurts lots :( have been falling heaps while working on getting better. Soon though, hopefully, it will pay off and I'll be pretty good :)

Being tired is not so great either, scratched myself this morning while getting dressed, don't ask how as I'm not sure but I do know I have a noticeable scratch on my cheek as evidence lol atlst you no JB will be JB whereever she is :)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

No snow for Jill :(

Winds were so strong that even walking from car to start of ski area I was getting blowd around, no way was I getting on a board that would make it easier for Mother Nature to make me fall spectacularly, I can do that easy enough on own lol

Friday, August 22, 2014

Freezing cold and awesome

No snow today but that didn't stop us having fun. Mary and I went rafting instead :) freezing but so much fun :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Snow, snow, glorious snow

So in the weekend we (Bridie and I) went up to Mt Ruapehu to get us some snowboarding time.  The weather didnt really play ball so we were stuck at Whakapapa for a day and a bit and got no Turoa time (for those of you that are non-snow people Turoa is better for boarding and Whakapapa is better for skiing).  We did get some good runs in and some cool photos taken :)