Saturday, July 11, 2009


Gonna leave an update cos I think you guys probably want one not because I feel like it. Am very exhausted at the moment, dunno if it is just from lack of sleep or whether I am sick. Too exhausted to even figure that out.

So here is what is happening at the moment. I have not had a warm shower for so long have forgotten what was is like. There are a few reason for this, one we have a water shortage due to the fact we have no had monsoon yet (it has kinda started now but not proper rain, just drizzle) so cant let shower run on, also the sun has not been shinning for long enough each day so our solar tanks are not heating the water. Normally when this happens we get heaters turned on beside the solar heated water tanks to warm the water but due to the lack of rain the power supply (which is hydro here) is very low and we do not have enough for unnessacry power.

Sound fun yet? Don't worry there's more!

Last night we ran out of water, so no shower at all. Not so bad really as was far to tired to stand up long enough for one. We may be getting a water tanker to ddeliver some water but this is not cheap and will not make a big enough difference if the rain does not come. Will just mean we have water to drink and cook in and flush toilets with.

So who still wishes they were here with me???

Nah its still all fun. For work tonight we are taking the participants (39 for those that keep asking, from USA, Ireland, UK) to see a Bollywood movie at the cinema ~ Kambakkht Ishq ~ meant to be very good (depending on the review) or utter trash.

Day off tomorrow ~ yay :)

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