Friday, July 24, 2009

I miss my hoodies

Hello there, how are you doing? I am well thank you. Have just had three days off which we all put to good use. Manisha went to Mumbai to see her relatives while Katey, Zan, Gwen and I went to Mahbaleshwar with Sidd and Rahul.

Mahbaleshwar is up in the hills and when we were told that it would be cold there we all thought ‘Indian cold so maybe take jeans instead of shorts’, well it was cold and not just Indian cold, though not NZ cold as could feel all my toes the whole time and I didn’t wear socks that much. We did need to wear the jerseys that we took which made us very happy. Us being all but Sidd and Rahul as being Indians they found us weird for being excited as to the coldness. It was also wet (scattered heavy showers) and very foggy. When the fog lifted, it sometimes did during the breaks in the rain, the views from where we were staying was awesome. We were at the top looking down over the valley and we could see over to the other side of the valley and all the waterfalls. It was worth what we paid to rent the house even if only for the fact that we all got to chill and relax and in Katey’s case sleep lots. I did learn that no one finds it funny when you say ‘good evening’ when they finally get up at 11:30am; they argue that it is still morning. Yeah right. I had been up since 8am so it was basically evening to me.

Our first two events (Essence of India 2 and 3) went well. Tiring but well. The participants all said good things about us like that we were always smiling and willing to help, which is what we are being ‘paid’ for. Even though the hours are long (start work at 8am during an event and on a good day finish at 10pm) it is enjoyable so does not always feel like we are working. We get to do things like go to the movies, learn Bollywood dance, learn about other cultures, shock people when we say that NZ only has around 4mil people ~ for some reason people think it has heaps more. Also our days off are much enjoyed as we need the break.

In case you haven’t yet heard I am now kinda blonde. Bout a week ago went to a saloon to see if they could dye hair blonde and see what it cost. They did and it even had a free appointment then so got it done. I say I am kinda blonde as they put the bleach in my hair to get rid of the ginger so that the blonde would take, hour and a half later it was concluded that that was as less ginger as I would go and they decided to wash it out. Joyful fun. At least I had some good company. Elyse even decided to get her belly pierced while we waited which was entertaining.

The main excitement here is that we now have tv J we haven’t had working tv the whole time we have been here and until we got working tv didn’t realize how much we all had missed it. Just to make it clear we have had a television that works but all you could play was dvds and vcds as the tv channel bit of it did not work. Now that it does we spend our free time channel surfing. The pther night we watched a bit of spiderman dubbed over in hindi. That is the trick here, finding English programmes. Also the shocking thing is when on MTV you see the rap videos and the girls are wearing nothing ~ it just seems so wrong after two months of being covered up. Shall be interesting to see if I wear my mini skirts when get back or if they seem too revealing.

Our new participants arrived on Monday. 40 of them, all from England. Two more to come (they were here last event but have been traveling) and they are also from the UK just from Scotland. International night shall be either very interesting or very short…

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I want...

A Hot Shower. I know that I should just be happy that we have water again and that we can have showers but still I want a Hot shower. Would even settle for a warm shower, just not the freezing cold that have been having.

We have had about 2 days of rain which is very good but for Pune to not be having a water shortage we need atleast a month of rain, probably more.

So lets keep hoping...

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Gonna leave an update cos I think you guys probably want one not because I feel like it. Am very exhausted at the moment, dunno if it is just from lack of sleep or whether I am sick. Too exhausted to even figure that out.

So here is what is happening at the moment. I have not had a warm shower for so long have forgotten what was is like. There are a few reason for this, one we have a water shortage due to the fact we have no had monsoon yet (it has kinda started now but not proper rain, just drizzle) so cant let shower run on, also the sun has not been shinning for long enough each day so our solar tanks are not heating the water. Normally when this happens we get heaters turned on beside the solar heated water tanks to warm the water but due to the lack of rain the power supply (which is hydro here) is very low and we do not have enough for unnessacry power.

Sound fun yet? Don't worry there's more!

Last night we ran out of water, so no shower at all. Not so bad really as was far to tired to stand up long enough for one. We may be getting a water tanker to ddeliver some water but this is not cheap and will not make a big enough difference if the rain does not come. Will just mean we have water to drink and cook in and flush toilets with.

So who still wishes they were here with me???

Nah its still all fun. For work tonight we are taking the participants (39 for those that keep asking, from USA, Ireland, UK) to see a Bollywood movie at the cinema ~ Kambakkht Ishq ~ meant to be very good (depending on the review) or utter trash.

Day off tomorrow ~ yay :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bollywood Dance

Just had bollywood dance session. Have been looking forward to it for over a month and it did not disappoint, though the amount of steps that are just line dancing with hand actions is surprising. Not surprising is how bad I was. When whoever it is that builds our DNA assembled mine they left out co-ordination, grace, balance and hand-leg-brain communication, which in my opinion makes me very unique but also a very bad dancer. Had plenty of fun still which is all that matters