Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dead arm is now gone

Went to get my jabs for India earlier this week and once again I ending up paying to get a dead arm which my brother would have given me for free, although his would not have lasted anywhere near as long.

I am now immunised against Polio (yup am going to one of the four countries in the world that still has polio, the others being Afganistan, and Pakistan and cant remember the fourth). Also am immunised against a few other things but cannot remember what, knew there was a reason they wrote it down for me.

I opted against paying $450 to be immunised agaisnt Rabies, for one it cost me enough without that added to it, and another is that I aint been bitten by a dog yet so will take my chances over there and not get bit again. If I do get bit and die its all good as my health insurance covers the cost of bringing my body (or ashes) back to NZ. I also have to take my chances with being bit my mosquitoes as all of Australiasia has run out of the immunisation for Yellow Fever (think that is the one, if not then they have run out of whatever it is), which would prevent me getting a brain infection and dying from mossie bite, thus savign me a further $385.

Interesting how the jabs to immunise against the things that can kill you cost the most. Guess they figure that people wont want to take chances so they can make money and if the immunisation does not work then said person will not be around to ask for a refund on the failed jab

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