Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rush of Wings - Adrian Phoenix

Dante is the star of the rock band Inferno and rumoured to be the owner of the hot New Orleans nightspot Club Hell. He was born of the Blood then broken by an evil beyond imagination.
FBI Special Agent Heather Wallace’s hunt for the sadistic serial murderer known as the Cross Country Killer leads her to New Orleans, Club Hell and Dante.
Heather knows that something is linking Dante to the killer making him the next target but Dante resists her help and claims to be ‘nightkind’ aka a vampire. Heather believes she must unravel Dante’s past to stop him being the target but Dante has a dark secret, which once revealed it seems that no one can protect him from his destiny.

I picked this book up as I figured that with a lead character by the name Dante it had to be good. In fact it was better. A Rush of Wings was hard to put down and it had me hooked from page one.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Country all the way

Now most people right this talented man off as being a, I don't know really but not a good thing, and yet he is makes fantastic music. Guess you wanna know who I am talking about don't you, well that would be Mr Billy Ray Cyrus. Yup he is talented and I finally found one of his albums (all be it in the Warehouse clearence bin) and let me tell you it is better than even I would have guessed. I love his song Achy Breaky Heart (which just for your information some other guy released about a year before Cyrus did under the title Don't Tell My Heart and it flopped big time, Cyrus released it and it went big so that's gotta tell you something. It is still one of the most played country songs in the states), and yet that single is not the best song on the album.

You really should listen to some of his stuff and enjoy, its really easy to do. This album may just be the best album I get this year!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thing they really should test and yet don't

I am guessing that by admiting this in writing is not nessecerity the wisest thing but since when I have I been that wise, really? And its not exactly admiting something - if you pay attention - its more maybe impying something, and those two things are very different!

When you go and get your licence they test that you know your road rules and that you can drive and see hazards while you are doing that driving. But there are other things that maybe they should test for, one in particular - what color you associate with go and stop. Sure if you are color blind you may not be able to get your licence, that they test for, but in general I think not being color blind but associating color that is different to the standard stop/go colors may present a problem. For example if you see red and think go and green means stop. Not always good.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gotta learn to say NO!

You'd think after all these years of seeing dofus work so much and thinking that he is overworking himself that I wouldv'e learnt not to do the same but no. My problem is that I feel mean saying no to Dave or Jo if they ask if I can work and I'm not doing anything that day so I say yes. But this time I mayv'e learnt my lesson. Have just finished a 47 hour week, and before that was a 43 hour week and this week is going to be a 42 hour week. Which basically means I am working 6 or 7 days a week, silly me. Thankfully someone invented public holidays so that I do get the odd day off every so often.

Have come up with a new years resolution from this though, Work Less!