Sunday, September 17, 2023

It's crazy the difference a year can make

Just thought I would do a positive gluten free update, cos I think my last few have all been kinda on the not so fun side of being gluten free.  Small side note on that, did you know paper straws and laundry detergent can contain gluten?? I know, me neither.  This world is just ridiculous at times.

Anyhow, onto the good stuff.  I have decided it is time I do up my lounge, paint it specifically, so I borrowed a couple of sanders off dad to save me doing all the sanding by hand.  And this time last year I am pretty sure I wouldn't have even been able to hold onto one of them with it going, let alone sand the whole lounge in one go, then follow that with washing my hair cos someone forgot to wear a hat so her hair was covered in dust (whoops lol).  I then did some knitting in the evening cos why not :) Then today I spent most the arvo (well just over 3 hours of it) painting the undercoat layer.  This also would not have been possible this time last year, no way could my hands have held a paintbrush for that long.

So while my super strict gluten free diet might suck, and quite badly at times, it is so absolutely worth it.  Just thought I would share that with you all :)

Anyhoo how are you?  I hope you are well and happy.  I am pretty good, feel like I'm not really up to anything at the moment but I am just sorta doing me things.  Me things like crafting, reading, hanging with friends, going for run when have the time and I feel like it.  Decided against one this wknd but that was cos I wanted to get lounge to the stage that next wknd I can just paint it and not worry about any of the pre-proper-painting stuff.  Am very happy with progress though I did miss getting a run in.  And ok if I hadn't caught up with Penny and Bex ystdy morning, Jenny this morning and Maggie and Paul this afternoon then I prob woulda been able to fit one in.  But me give up catching up with friends, haha yeah that aint so likely to happen lol.