Sunday, November 6, 2022

The HB GF Fish & Chip Adventure begins

This summer I have decided to find the best gluten free fish and chips in Hawke's Bay, well in Napier and Hastings but Hawke's Bay sounds better lol.  The scoring will be out of 15 and this is what it will be made up of: 5 for presentation and service, 5 for atmosphere and drink selection and 5 for taste and quantity.

So that is a the boring part out of the way, well the semi boring part anyhow.  I am sure I won't get to everywhere that does gf fish and chips, mostly cos I am sure I don't know everywhere that does them lol.  But the main places will def be gone to I am sure.  And my favs of course, which means that Jarks will have to be tried and rated as well, oh how sad that will be lol.

And yes I am aware that my scoring is not likely to be consistent cos that is life, but oh well, it'll still be fun I believe.

Ystdy Jenny and I went to The Gin Trap for round number one.  I do like The Gin Trap, it has gorgeous views of the harbour and a nice atmosphere.  The only downside, I think anyhow, is that it is in Ahuriri, Napier so is a bit of a drive.  The first point to note is they have a 47 page Gin Bible, aka gin menu, and I don't know how you are meant to pick one sensibly, or even if you are meant to.  I normally just pick by randomness lol.  I had a Day Off something or other feijoa one which was beautiful, and Jenny had a strawberry one (or a raspberry one, a berry one anyhow).  Here's was also nice she said.

The fish and chips were amazing as well, for starters mine came battered, I know very surprising.  I normally end up with pan fried fish which is also yum I think.  Had forgotten how filling the batter can make them though.  And the chips were yummy, and so was the salad.  Not sure what dressing the salad had on it but it was good, and they came with aioli not tomato sauce which I appreciated as prefer aioli anyhow.  Jenny got the normal fish and chips so we could compare and said that they were also very good, for those non-gf ppl out there who were wondering :)

I have given the following ratings: 4 for presentation and service, 5 for atmosphere and drink selection and 4.5 for taste and quantity.  So a total of 13.5.  Not a bad start to my adventure at all :)