Monday, June 21, 2021

What a wknd could look like if you are involved in theatre

Well I thought it was about time I checked in and said hey again.  I feel like I haven't been up to much lately as I haven't done things that end up with me taking photos.  So instead I thought I would let you know what my wknd, the one just gone, looked like.  You may guess from the title that it has a theme of theatre stuff, but will you have guessed how much there was...... we shall see :)

Friday evening was quiz night.  Once again I was the person that put together our team but was not all that useful once the questions started.  We now have a core group of four of us in our team, and we may have found our other two members which is awesome.  The only question I was any use for was the one along the lines of 'In 1888 Swiss physician Adolf E. Fick invented what, and it is used by thousands of people today'.  I have no idea how or why but contact lenses came to mind, and since no one had anything else better than a wild stab in the dark we went with it.  Turns out I was right, and the only right person in the room woot woot.  All I can say is that Lions must have been how I know it as I had to study our sight project for a training course last year.  Overall we came 6th out of 15 teams so we are stoked :) we normally come close to last lol.

Saturday morning I caught up with Faye, the two of us look after the theatre's archives.  It was our semi monthly catch up which is part archive related, part gossip and part general catch up.  Always a good time :) 

Saturday afternoon and evening I was down at the theatre as I am helping with props for the next show (which opens on Thursday) and we were sorting out what is needed backstage-wise in the final rehearsals. We have a bit to do at the start of the show and not much in the second half at all.  And the set is built in a way that there is not much to see from the sides which is a tad boring but I guess you can't win them all.

Sunday morning I got time at home to do my washing for the week, update the theatres website and sort out some of the H&S stuff I have on my to-do list, the H&S stuff is also theatre related lol.  Sunday afternoon and evening was once again at the theatre for rehearsal.  It was a tech rehearsal so there was a lot of repeating certain scenes and one of them was one we are needed in so that kept us on our toes.  The others weren't though and we just sat backstage either whispering or miming or chilling with the cast and each other.  After rehearsal the bar was opened so we could all chill and as a thanks to the cast and crew for putting in long hours the last few weeks to get it right.

The show opens officially on Thursday but there is a preview night on Wednesday.  A preview night is when a group that is fundraising sells the tickets and fills the theatre, and we both get a cut of the ticket sales.  It gives the cast an audience for their final dress rehearsal, and it allows the group fundraising to often sell the tickets slightly cheaper which gets them more bums on seats and therefore more fundraising profit.  It is going to run for 3 weeks, so that is my next 3 weeks taken care of.... lol.  I'm not going to be down there every night it is on as we have worked out that only one of us is really needed, so its not a major if one of us wants a night off.  Us being Me and Jenny, Jenny is props manager for the show.  Though I am also helping Val with the bar so maybe I will be there more than planned....