Tuesday, June 30, 2020

3rd name's a charm

Well I’ve changed my name legally again.  I hear you sighing with a why on earth do that, a name is just a name sigh.  Well in my book a name is more than just a name and I wanted one I liked.  You may remember that a few years ago I legally added another middle name (a Griffin name), but I kept the one I didn’t like still cos I wanted a Miller name in there that wasn’t the surname and I just hadn’t found one that I liked.  Well over lockdown I did.  And yes you may call me slow cos it has been staring me in the face my whole life but I didn’t put two and two together until I put a virtual poppy on Poppa’s virtual RSA headstone and saw it there, staring back at me going ‘you know you want me, I fit you way better than what you have now….’

And you know what, it was it 100% right.

Now this does not mean that I don’t love Grandma Miller, or that I don’t think she was an awesome as lady, she totally was.  It just means I don’t like her name (which she did not pick for herself as far as I’m aware) and I don’t think it suited me at all.  Plus why should I have two female line names when there is an awesome male name sitting there that suits me perfectly…  My brain agreed and so we waited for Justice of the Peace’s to open again, which by the way was a week or so into Level 1 so the wait was a long one.  But then the wait was over and the paperwork was completed and sent in and now the new birth certificate has come back with what I consider my proper name to be on it:

Jillian Isabella Sydney

Such a good name, even if I did find two thirds of it myself hehe
And yes Miller is still my surname lol just realised I didn't actually say that, whoops