Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hawkes Bay Anniversary and Labour Day

It was a nice long wknd in Hawkes Bay this past wknd.  On Friday we had our anniversary day and I went to the A&P Show with my friend Viv.  It was pretty cool, I liked watching the fencing competition and the wood chopping.  The NZ Wood Chopping Team was there which was quite cool, and I decided I have seen too much wood chopping in NZ as I recognised many of the team members and knew roughly what their handicaps were lol.  The only disappointing thing about the A&P Show, and it's a kinda major thing, is that it was very commercial but not in a farming sense.  I didn't see any tractors for sale, mostly it was cars or fancy as utes (ok so those would be useful on a farm) and many stalls that you see at big markets or gypsy style fairs around the way.  There was also a disappointing amount of craft entries in the craft competition bit which has made me wonder if I should enter some stuff next year.  We will see if I remember that I thought that come this time next year lol.

On Saturday I headed off to Taupo to pick up my friend Jo.  Now for those of you who are wondering, and when you see the pictures think hmmm she looks familiar but not from NZ photos, Jo is my british friend who I lived with in my first flat in Edinburgh.  We met when she was in NZ many years ago, then chilled together a lot when I was in Scotland and now she is back in NZ working for a few years.  Sadly she is in Auckland, but hey Auckland is way closer than the UK so I will take it.  Anyhow she bused to Taupo and I went and got her and then brought her back here.  We spent the wknd just chilling really.  On Sunday we went into Napier to have some fun and chill and so Jo could see some of the things she loved when she lived here.  Possum World was an eye opener for me, I have been here for 18 months and did not that this awesomeness existed.  Such bad taxidermy, such a random museum of sorts but so good and random and funny lol.

Then on Monday we drove back to Taupo where we met up with Mum, Dad and Richard for lunch before Jo got back on the bus to Auckland.  Don't worry though she will be back at some stage and I will be up there to see her as well :)

One of the other highlights of the wknd was that we went and checked out Jungle Cafe in Havelock North.  It is a gluten free cafe and the food was amazing.  Definitely have to go back cos I could have eaten so much more than I did, it all looked amazing and what we got def was amazing.  And it was super cool that we could taste each others dish without either of us getting sick.  Go Jungle Cafe :)

Not really been up to much else, just pottering and trucking along really.  I am now a member of the Hastings Heretaunga Lions Club, the youngest member believe it or not hehe.  It is a good bunch of people, there are around 12 of us varying in ages from me to much older than me.  Viv, who I went to the A&P Show with is from Lions.  I am also happily in two books clubs now, one is the one at Hastings Library which anyone can go along to, and the other one I was invited to join from a current member of it who also goes to the Hastings Library one so that is cool.  I have my first meeting of that one later next month :)  Should be fun.

Other than joining stuff I have also been crafting and sewing, more planning sewing than sewing at the moment and I need a wknd at home to get some of the stuff I want done started.  I have started making my diary for next year as well, it's going to be just as cool as this years one, if not more so :) hehe

Anyhow here are some pics from the wknd with Jo :)

Napier waterfront area


Possum World

Sugar Loaf

Stop on the way back to Taupo, Cleo and I finally have a pic together :)