Wednesday, July 17, 2019

I’m a spinster :D

All my dictionaries have the below definition for spinster, or one very similar:
‘A woman still unmarried beyond the usual age of marrying’
And when you google usual age for females to be married in NZ you find out that it’s now 28.5, therefore I’m totally a spinster 😁 how awesome is that 😄 I totally thought I’d have to wait ages more before I could rock the spinster title, super stoked I can do it now 🥳

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reflections time

On the 13th it was one year since I moved into my first home so I thought I would do a bit of a reflective post on the past year. 

Things I’ve learnt:
-Having the internet is actually not necessary, there is loads to do without it and you (well I) don’t miss it anywhere near what I thought I would.
-Having TV is something that you do kinda need, if only for TaskMaster and Formula-E.
-Renovations really do cost way more than you expect, that I was warned about, but the one thing that I wasn’t sure of is that you really do appreciate having them done and it doesn’t matter that you are more poor than you expected cos you have that awesome new or changed whatever J
-Overall I don’t mind being poor, ok so I probably wouldn’t say no to having more money to splash around but I don’t and I’ve found that I don’t really mind overall.  Sure for doing stuff to the house it’s a pain but when it comes to doing things with friends I’ve just become more selective in what I do that costs and I’ve found that I am appreciating the things I am choosing to do more, prob because I have chosen it over something else.  Like going to the theatre over the movies, or cooking dinner for friends instead of going out for dinner.
-I don’t like gardening, even vege gardening.  Don’t get me wrong I like the having food in my garden but I would love it if someone else would come and weed it lol.
-I do quite like baking (not cooking, just baking).  It started cos I was poor but then I found I actually like doing it and eating it I really like.  Is nice knowing that none of the pans or dishes are contaminated with that evil gluten stuff too haha.
-Napier/Hastings seems to be the same as New Plymouth/Inglewood, some people I thought were friends are very reluctant to visit me cos I live in Hastings and expect me to go to Napier every time we catch up.  Good thing I have friends that don’t care J
-My lounge is perfect for dance parties and even though he wont join in I know that Glenny likes them too, he laughs at me enough. I think I would get top marks for effort and enthusiasm from the judges (if there were any) but skill and talent would be bottom marks lol.
-I love living with just me and Glenny and all our other friends JJJ
* Am sure there are other things that I have learnt but I just can't remember them at the moment...

Things I would change if I had to do it again:
-Nothing.  I wouldn’t do anything different, I wouldn’t get a flatmate to have extra money or company, I wouldn’t wait longer to buy somewhere else.  I also would not get a pet, I like that I can do what I want in wknds or after work and not have to think about something that needs to be feed or anything.

Most important massive big thanks to all my ‘slaves’ (even the ones whose work has since been removed by another slave and then professionals) and other helpers.  And thank you to everyone that has come to visit me even though I am on the other side of the Island now (hehe that sounds like I’m not as far away as if I said the other side of the country) J