Monday, August 27, 2018

August update

So I know August isn't totally over yet but figure a jumping the gun update is better than a whoops I forgot no update hehe :)

Month started off good, had a bday which means I'm even more awesome than before, I know amazing aye. You'd think I'd reach a max awesome level at some stage but nope I just keep getting more and more awesome every year :)

Sadly a couple days after my bday my grandma passed away :'(
And a couple weeks after that Uncle Ian passed away as well :(
Nothing else to add to those points as words can't really sum up how not impressed I am at that turn of events.

Dad came and chilled at my place btwn my birthday wknd and grandma's funeral, he'd prob use the word worked not chilled but hey just a couple diff letters is all that is :) Mum came back with us after the funeral for the wknd so she also got to see my place.
With the work dad did and what I've done and 'roped' my brother and Uncle Terry (technically Uncle Terry offered his assistance) into helping with the place is starting to look pretty good, if I do say so myself. Still got plenty to do but that'll just help fill in my wknds :)

Have signed up for Steptember with a few workmates, we have called ourselves the Record Breakers seeing as we work in the Records Team lol. Aim is to do 10,000 steps a day for the month of September and raise money for Cerebral Palsy.  If you would like to support our team or donate to the cause please follow this link (fingers crossed it works):

Our work team has also signed up for a Business House Volleyball League, social of course. Runs for 5 weeks and our team name is I'd Hit That, hehe we were on a team name roll that week. Sadly the first game was tonight I had to miss it cos of a dumb as stupid cold :( am living on hot lemon drinks (and obviously some food) , good thing I have a lemon tree that's got way too many lemons on it :)

Everything else is trucking along as per normal. Glenny loves owning a house but his efforts of helping with chores is as non-existent as ever, not sure why I'm surprised really. Must admit it's pretty cool having own place to do what you want when :)