Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas letter time :)

So it seems everyone else is summing up their years in a page or two and calling it a Christmas letter, mostly I think cos it comes with a Christmas card but it seems not a candy cane... not sure how this has happened and I'm guessing mine are just missing in the mail, right?

Anyhow I thought I would sum up my year on this wonderful thing called my blog for a few reasons:
1) so I don't have to share candy canes with any more people (already sharing enough with workmates)
2) so that I don't have to go and buy Christmas cards
3) so I don't have to pay postage on those Christmas cards I just went and brought
4) so it can be mega short without having loads of white space left on the piece of paper
5) and most important, so I can just stay lying on my bed with my coffee (the one that didn't just get spilled all over the bench and newspaper)

My year in numbers:
365 days
1 birthday - don't worry I'm just getting more awesome as I age hehe
4 papers passed (with almost flying colours)
1 paper left to do (which is halfway done)
3 less teeth
1 job got (pretty much cos I knew some people)
4 room rearrangements
1 head of way less hair
0 limbs lost or broken
5 years of being gluten free
1 forklift licence
1 plastic bench seat built
2 sporting injuries which are now mostly better
1st prize in sewing section of Institute Arts Show (haha Mum you got 2nd)
heaps of tramps, but not as many as Doffy
lots of time spent hanging with Brudda

Would say bring on 2018 but I'd kinda like to know a lil of what's in store for me so I know whether I need to stock up my alcohol or if I'll be sweet with what I have.  As bro, or my purple dice would say 'time will tell', really need to find this Time Dude, he has a lot to answer for....