Friday, October 13, 2017

Just a lil update

So I thought it was about time I said hi again, its been a while.

Study is going well, I am losing enthusiasm a bit but still managing to work my way through the required papers.  I have just submitted my last assignment for the paper I was working on so have a couple weeks off now before the next paper starts.  The next paper will be my last one required for a Level 5 diploma so woot woot to that :)

I have also clocked over my 5 years of being Gluten Free, still not sure I am a fan of it but seems its here to stay.  I am slowly getting better at not 'cheating' which is progress I guess :)

I am currently house sitting for someone at Council while him and his partner are in the States, it is going well and the two cats that are my housemates are very cute, most of the time.  Lucy isn't when she randomly attacks me, and Hank sure aint when he brings me 'gifts' which he is getting far to good at.  I have now had 3 in the past week, thankfully all dead but last nights one I had to wait for him to kill before I was willing to remove it so the day might come when a living gift appears.  That I am not looking forward too.

Other than the normal stuff (dentist taking my hard earned money, stupid cold that wont leave etc) I am doing pretty good and am just trucking along like normal.  So yeah, that's about it, ciao for now xxx