Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Did you notice anything new?

For those of you that actually go onto my blog to read my updates I sure hope you have noticed some changes.... new title, new colour scheme, new margins (ok so that one you prob wouldn't have noticed and I spose I forgive you for it hehe).

Decided it was time for a change and as the Cape of Awesomeness is coming over to the UK with me I decided I would change my blog to be like it and this way when you don't get an update for a while it is the Cape of Awesomeness's fault not mine as its now the Cape of Awesomeness's blog to and it is likely that it's cos we are off doing some awesome :)

We have started our adventures with the always boring but always required sorting, packing and cleaning that is done before any great adventure.  There is still a fair amount to do but I still have 3.5 weeks and would hate to rush things and wear ourselves out :)