Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Am just a lil bit crazy...

So me and a couple friends have decided that we are going to do the Oxfam Trailwalker which is walking 100km in under 36 hours (we are going to do it in under 24 hours though!).  As part of this we need to raise at least $2,000.

If you would like to donate and/or check out our page and become a supporter you can do that here -

You can also buy the Oxfam Unwrapped gifts and have a little bit go towards our team if you don't want to just donate money, you can check out the unwrapped gifts here -

I would totally suggest you check out our page regularly as this will have our training updates on it and you will be able to see how we are going.  Should be a fun event that will push us all physically and mentally and be something to remember for years to come.

Thanks in advance for all your support :) :) :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Stupid dumb computer

decided to mess with all my play counts on iTunes and make songs I don't listen to much if at all have high as play counts so have had to reset all play counts :(

So annoying as was just getting some of the playlists sorted with most played and almost most played etc and now have to start from scratch again.  Grrr at dumb technology messing with my awesome system that I totally had working so well.  I mean seriously in what world do I listen to a live Poison song more than 500 times in less than a year??? I am not that crazy.  And it didn't even have some of my top listened to songs at the top of the list when I know that I listen to them more that the songs I've never even heard of.

Oh well, seems to be on par for iTunes as have had to reset play counts a few times now.  You may be wondering why I even bother, why I don't just ignore the counts and enjoy the music.  And I don't have an answer for you, all I know is that it bugs the crap out of me to not have it right and to have to start again.  Thanks iTunes you totally made my evening - not!!!!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mowing the lawns is dangerous!!!

For once I managed to avoid all the rose bush and lemon tree attacks and instead got attacked by a tree which ripped out my earring :( ouch!!! Seems me and mowing the lawns might be kinda hazardous, always seems to end with blood :(