Saturday, October 18, 2014


Would you guys rather have more regular updates and longer ones, random like now but longer or happy as with what you getting??? 

No promises but have your say and I'll see about doing my best to accommodate the majority :)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Words of wisdom

If you are going to get a black toe I suggest you know how and when you do it, turns out it's not actually fun to wake up one morning with a throbbing toe and not know how or when you hurt it. Just a lot of stupid pain for no real reason :( not even cool it's gone half black if not know how.

Decided I'm going with the whole opened a door on foot cos it has happened before so maybe I did it again but this time better :) hehe

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Done and dusted

2hr 13min 21sec :)
Totally stoked (wanted to do in under 2hr 15min) pretty great for first time I think :)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

What a difference the right diagnosis makes

Two years ago I was one of those people on the drinks stations at marathons and half marathons and even that was an effort, standing for such a long period would tire me out. And now I'm going to be one of those people doing the running  in the half marathon. Never would have thought that just cutting out a type of food would make all the difference but it totally has :)