Friday, April 25, 2014

Roar, I'm a dinosaur

hehe well not really, but wouldn't it be cool if I (or we) was :) we could wander round munching on food and playing with our tails and chasing each other :) only fun stuff, none of the dying or anything that they did.

Not been up to much lately, got me a kitten about 6 weeks ago, he is mega cute and also loves to chase his tail.  He would make a cool dinosaur to, he would know how to play good :)

Other than Dawson (the kitten) nothing much has been happening.  I am still working at Council in Parks Team, still read and watch dvds more than I probably should and exercise less.

Am hanging out for winter, ready for the cold and the snow :) still not a summer person it would seem. Been pretty wet the past few days which has been nice hehe :)

Not got much else to say, so yeah, enjoy the dinosaur dream which I'm sure you are all stuck in right now hehe :)