Thursday, December 5, 2013

Apparently it's December

I know, who woulda thought. Haha I told my team leader off today cos he was looking at December in the calendar and I said it was only November, oops :)

Maybe I should start Christmas shopping some stage soon, have already lost a month hehe

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Sorry bout last post, that was my email address not forwarding an email to the right place. Thanks to those who let me know bout it. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

I survived :)

That's right, I survived my first week back at work. Only just but I did :) 

Already seems like ages ago since was on holiday which is a lil sad but I know it weren't which is all that matters. Well that and the fact that Christmas holidays are coming up hehe :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Traveling, traveling and more traveling

So we bout half way through our road trip of the South Island and its going pretty good. Have seen some awesome sites but don't agree that this Island is totally different to the North. 
Temp is the same, trees are pretty much the same, there's still grass and hills etc so yeah pretty much the same haha. Still nice though.

Have figured that I would never wanna live in Christchurch but would love to live in Dunedin and Queenstown :) 

Def looking forward to the next week :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Really, work again already???

Why is it that weekends never last long enough? They are always over so fast, unless you for some unknown reason you wanna go to work then they drag. 

This weekend in particular flew past, spent Saturday morning at the snow, terrible weather so we (Bridie, Laura and I) just hung out in Oakune, then Bridie and I headed to her families bach to watch DVDs and chill. Back home this morning to do some study and cleaning and now it's almost work time :( 

Not fair at all, I like weekends more than just 2/7th of the time so should get them more haha

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sometimes mistakes are good

For some reason they changed the draw for our indoor soccer league and they didn't tell us so we turned up at 8.30 and our game was at 7.30 :( not cool cos we didn't get to play and we had new uniforms and everything.

But on the plus side the game that was on at 8.30 was the top two teams in our league (social) which we wanted to watch as they are both very good teams.  Was an amazing game, so glad stayed to watch.  There was everything a good soccer game has, good passing, amazing shots, a yellow card, and a last minute equaliser goal.

Definitely a good night :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Stupid evil bed

Why does my bed keep beating me up?? I dont think I've ever done anything mean to it but yet time after time hehe now have that song in my head, wait now what was I saying, oh yeah time after time it keeps making me be hurt when I wake up.  I go to bed fine, no injuries, well no new ones haha, and then wake up and something is hurt.  Like last night, fine when went to bed and then wake up and my arm is super sore and I am pretty sure I have pulled a muscle :( now how is that fair????

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I'm back :)

Dont even know if anyone still reads this but seriously just been laughing so hard reading some of my old posts so am posting this more for when I come back later and read my old stuff haha :)
Oh and boy can I rant lol awesomeness :)