Friday, December 30, 2011

Another year down

Well almost, but I am pretty sure I will make it through tomorrow so am not worried about saying I survived :)

Still no plans for new years, but that is ok, its who you spend it with as much as what you do that matters in my opinion.

2011 has been a good year overall. I got older (seems to happen every year, not quite sure why or how...), my hair had quite a few different styles (like normal), work went well, made soem new friends and met a crazy Irishman (though that is probably how they all are so nothing unusual there).

Hope that you all have a great 2012, I plan to :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

power cut drama

So anyhow there was that major power cut yesterday, which the generator at work failed to come on. not good by the way. and then when the power did come on they learnt that the computer systems were fried and it would be bout hour and half till they were up. got call from lesley this morning sayingthey were still out and not to come to work till 9 as that is when they should be back up. so early finish yesterday and late start today, and some people think karma aint real :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

said i would be better at this...

But turns out im not really. anyhow news from my part of the world is that i am moving to parks admin earlyish in the new year. i am going to be covering for suzy while she is on maturnity leave. am rather excited and have already started training for it which is a nice challenge. was ready for one of those :)