Sunday, October 30, 2011

One down 5 to go

Just submitted my third and last assignment for my first paper towards my Diploma in Library and Information Studies.

Yay me :) :) :)

Only got 5 more papers to do till get my Diploma, starting with paper number two next week :( only get one week off but that is ok.

Still stoked that have finished paper one, fingers crossed that i get good mark on it, but still happy :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

I mean really...

So went to buy the movie He's Just Not That Into You yesterday, which if you are unaware is a M16 movie, and I was ID'd. I mean come on, it wasn't even R just M. And it was 16! I look older than 16 that's for sure. Though I must admit that it gave me and Carolyn a good laugh afterwards :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A girl can dream...

'I want my mortician to lay me out with a gigantic smile on my face. My eyes should be closed, of course, but the grin must be EPIC. I'm not talking about some dinky little shy imitation of a Mona Lisa half-smile. I want a great big honking, crazy-assed-happy, face-splitting, toothy-grin. I would love to know that, at my funeral, not a single person was able to keep a straight face. Even better would be to know that many of them peed there pants laughing.

Now that's a funeral!'

- from Unlucky Stiff by Cynthia Celian