Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Uni Graduate - yup, Smartness - ummm....

You'd think I've lived long enough (esp in Taranaki) to know better.

All through summer I took a coat to work, just in case. Today (its autumn all you northern hemisphere people) it was warm and sunny so I didn't. Didn't take a coat or a warm jersey, cos it was warm and sunny.

Well it got cooler and cooler as the day went on, luckily I work inside (maybe I do have some smarts in there), and wetter.

Walking home I got drenched cos it was raining and I didnt have a coat (remember it was warm and sunny this morning) and cold cos I didnt have a warm jersey (member the warm and sunny bit). Also didnt have shoes (had sandels which I left at work as there is nothing worse than wet slimy sandels - see there's that smartness emerging again :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010