Monday, October 26, 2009

Not that I've ever wnated to be but...

I'm in fashion!

Well kinda, and if I lived in LA that is. Apparently the Vampire craze is in over there, so much that it is in to be pale. People are staying out of the sun and buying pale shades of make-up to appear more pale. The make-up one I cant do as for some reason it is very hard (would say impossible but that is leaving it open for someone to prove me wrong and I have Dof for that) to buy make-up paler than I am.

But yay, for once being pale is a good thing. Bout bloody time really.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Been awhile but here I am!

So its been a while. Yes I am back in NZ, have been for about two weeks now I think. Things are going well, have got myself a part time job till I find a proper job, and no surprise it is back at Briscoes. Least over Christmas period there will be a bit of work so that is good. Will be working at least three days a week by the looks.

Singapore was fantastic fun. Was good to chill and sightsee and shop with Mum. We had a busy yet lazy time over there. Did quite a bit of walking which was nice. Spent a lot but am pleased with what I got. We went to Little India (real India is better), Chinatown, The Night Safari, Singapore Flyer, River Cruise, Fort Canning Park, Raffles (where I got a photo taken with Mr. Raffles, he is a very nice chap though he is rather pale (even more so than me)), and probably more places. Got some nice summer tops and lots of nice souvenirs for me and some for others J

Finally got round to reading a John Grisham book last week, well kinda. Skipped lots of pages as I found it rather not good. Don’t think I’ll be reading another but at least I now know why I don’t read his books.

Still have to read a western by the end of the year so if you have a fav or one that you think I should read please feel free to let me know. Reason I want/have to read one by the end of the year is that since it is about the only genre I haven’t read a book from I made it a new years resolution to read one this year, which is real weird as I don’t make new years resolutions, well cept for that one.

JB Times quizzes, those of you that sent in your entries, are in the process of being marked and prizes being assigned. Results will be posted soon.

Internet here sucks big time so will try post again sometime soon, but depending on my patience it may not get done. Also prefer to type up on my laptop as it has the keypad that I like but it is not so happy at the moment and also not working well. Not sure if dropping it had anything to do with it as it was getting crap before the dropping, think that it just sped up the dying.