Monday, September 29, 2008

First ever five year plan

People always say you should have a five year plan, and for once I do got one (well mostly). Dunno if it will happen at all but I guess that that is not the point, the point is so you got something to aim for, or atleast that is what I think the point should be. So you wanna know what it is, ok then.

2009: go to Singapore with Ma, Raewyn and Carolyn
2010: Canada
2011: Canada
2012: Masters at Vic

And that is my plan, hopefully it all works out and yes it may look like only 4 years but I worked out that it was 5 so deal with it :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some thoughts should be banned...

And no I do not mean x-rated ones you dirty minded people out there, I mean those ones that are just not very helpful at all, ones that we do not need but we have anyway, ones like what am I doing in Tauranga (or wherever), like what am I meant to do with this thing called a life, like am I being who I'm meant to be, thoughts like why am I always alone...